Threat Attack Simulation Competition (TASC)

The Threat Attack Simulation Competition (TASC) is hosted annually by DePaul University's Security Daemons team. TASC is the first competition of its kind that simulates the modern threat landscape as teams pose as powerful nation-states. TASC aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in the rapidly evolving information security industry. Not only will teams be tasked with defending their network from threat actors, they must also make offensive advances to deter cyber attacks and secure their success.

TASC is open to both industry professionals and academic institutions (collegiate and high-school students).

Sign Up By October 31st


Congratulations! You have just been hired by your country to run a special forces team for signals intelligence activities. Your mission is to defend our critical systems from other nation-state cyber attacks. Gaining the tactical advantage is key when you get the opportunity to retrieve intelligence on enemies by attacking other nation-states. The threat landscape and global standings rapidly change based on this intelligence. Consequently, upgrading infrastructure becomes key as we are alloted more funds from our government. As we are lacking in qualified professionals, we also plan to have your team construct and implement policy and educational material for other internal agenices to foster a well-rounded workforce.
